The Blind Mom-ster

 I can't write this. My chest is already tight and the salty liquid threatens to rise above containable levels and spill over onto my hot cheeks. There is so much heaviness in this title because of all that it means and all that it implies. If I write this, I risk exposing a dear friend. I risk using words and phrases that bring a darkness filled with shame and grief. I risk exposing all the evils and self-centered motivations that drive her to the mad behavior that gives her the title of "Mom-ster." A Mom-ster is specifically a mom that turns into a monster towards her children. This is too personal for me. If I expose her, I risk exposing myself. When I look at her I see me. Raw, uncontrolled and fighting the same battles as me, also blindfolded with a blunt sword. 

Maybe another day. 

For now I will wipe my tears and leave this here. 


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